Queer & Trans People of Color Support Group

Our support group is open to all queer and transgender people of color, this includes cisgender queer folk. We meet every fourth Sunday to come together and build community and support around the shared and relatable experiences of racism, queerphobia, cissexism, and all their intersections. If you’d like to learn more about this group, or have any questions, feel free to email info@mainetransnet.org and we’ll be happy to help.

4th Sunday

4:00 to 5:30 pm

On the first and third Wednesday of every month, from 5:30 to 7:00pm. To join this meeting, follow THIS LINK


Call (617) 675-4444‬ and enter the‬‬ PIN: ‪ ‪‪‪556 242 590 7795‬# on any cell phone or land line.